
Saturday, September 21, 2013

9/21/13 - Egypt

Hey guys! If you hadn't noticed yet I love mythology of any kind, I don't know why it just fascinates me! So earlier today I was surfing the web looking at egyptian websites and books decided to do a little egyptian project. I ended up drawing the Eye of Horus and the Djed of Osiris, so here are those.

Horus and Osiris

Earlier in the week I also drew a pair of eyes, just some idle in-class doodling, and they turned out pretty good so I decided to put them up here. (I am actually really surprised that these turned out so well as I did not have a reference picture as I usually do)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

9/15/13 - Weave

Wow, I haven't been on here in a little bit, almost a month! *blinks* And I thought I was doing so well! Anyhow last week one of my friends at school showed me how to do this cool weave thing, after mastering the technique I thought I'd put it up here! Hope you enjoy!


Also today I thought I'd put up the next little section  of my story. This section is a little short but in a week or so I'll put up the next part, still doesn't have a name yet *brainstorms furiously* but, hopefully, it will soon! :P

Either I’m going crazy, was transported to another dimension, or everything I’ve known all my life is a lie. As Rilanen though over the possible scenarios he unconsciously began walking back to his room, What was the last thing you remember? Rilanen asked himself You need to get your facts strait.
I had just finished my homework Rilanen thought And I was taking a walk in the woods Sighing, Rilanen thought of the silver trees and blue skies that had always calmed him. Snapping back to the task at hand Rilanen thought again but, hit a memory block? What happened after that!? Rilanen asked himself. After a few minutes Rilanen gave up on penetrating the blank gray wall in his mind and looked around him. Suddenly realizing he had stopped in the middle of the hallway Rilanen blushed and scooted to the side and looked for his room, 8th on the right. Pushing open the door that strangely didn’t have a knob Rilanen stepped forward and collapsed onto the bed. This place is so freaky he thought rolling over to look up at the ceiling. Closing his eyes Rilanen thought of tall tree trunks and golden leaves falling through the fog around him as a slight breeze blew away his dreaming Rilanen opened his eyes again. Wow this place reminds me of home Looking closer Rilanen saw how the golden accents on the blue and silver furniture looked exactly like his forest, I wonder if it was designed that way.
Sitting up again Rilanen walked back over to his door, I need to find out what’s going on here Pushing it open, Rilanen stepped out of the door and once more into the hall, I wonder where Aaiel’s room is? As he thought this the door across from his opened and Aaiel stepped out.
“Hey!” she said skipping closer, “What’re you doing out here?” she asked her purple eyes sparkling, “You want to go get something to eat with me?” she asked skipping slightly in the direction of the doors at the end of the hall, “Or do you want to stay here and mope?”
“Uhhh eating sounds good.” Rilanen managed to stammer before Aaiel took off again.
“Well come on then silly, I hear they buffets with any kind of food you can image at these places.” She rambled on walking down to the door that led to the commons, “I wonder if it’s true? The government runs this place, and they are investing a TON of money in in. Seems a little weird, why do humans care so much anyway?”
As Aaiel went on and on Rilanen looked carefully at her eyes, I don’t see any contacts Rilanen thought. He could usually see them by the reflection of light off of them, that’s weird I wonder if she actually got surgery to make her eyes purple. As they walked into the common room Aaiel finally shut up long enough for Rilanen to get a questions in, “Why are your eyes purple?” he asked quickly before she could start up again.
“What do you mean?” Aaiel asked, “I was born like this. And hey lucky you! You got a human eyes color, blue! They’re so dark yet they kinda shimmer a lighter color when you turn your head.”
With Aaiel in up in his face Rilanen backed up a little, “What do you mean you were born with them?” he asked, “Humans don’t have purple eyes!”
“Nobody here is human silly!” Aaiel exclaimed finally backing up, “We’re all shifters! Born and raised!”
“Uhh I think you have the wrong guy.” Rilanen said pulling on his shirt, “I am human.”
Suddenly stopping Aaiel slowly turned to face him from where she had been walking off to what he assumed was the dining hall, “You’re what?” She asked
“Human.” Rilanen said firmly as if he could make this all go away by saying so.
Slowly walking back over to him Aaiel lifted one of his arms up and then the other, touched is forehead, pulled his ear. As she walked behind him Rilanen thought to himself, Why is that such a bi- Suddenly Rilanen was shoved forward very very hard, and he went flying across the room. As he slammed into the wall Rilanen stuck out a foot and spun in the same motion, controlling his fall so he landed on his feet. Quickly walking back to Aaiel, Rilanen rubbed his back, “What was that for!?” he asked sure he would have a giant bruise.
“Liar, liar pants on fire.” Aaiel said happily skipping around him, “You are to a shifter!”
“No I’m not!” Rilanen protested, “I don’t even know what shifter means!”
“Then how did you land on you feet?” Aaiel asked.
“I don’t know!”
“Here the final test!” Suddenly ripping off is shirt Aaiel spun him around.
“Hey!” Rilanen exclaimed grabbing for his shirt, “What was that for?”
“Hold still!” she said grabbing his arms.
Quickly twisting Rilanen got out of her grip and grabbed his shirt.
“Wait!” Aaiel said, “I just want to see if you have a bruise!”
“Of course I have a bruise!” Rilanen practically shouted, “You just threw me into a wall!”
Laughing Aaiel gently touched the center of his back, “No you don’t”
“And you got out of my grip, only a shifter could do that!”
Pulling on his shirt Rilanen slowly turned to face her, “There’s no way, I don’t even know what shifter stands for.”
“Shifter is for shape-shifter my young apprentice.” Aaiel said grinning, “And I am going to teach you how to be one.”